Hair Cuts/Trim

Let your hair speak for itself

Hair cuts/ Trim Services

Ladies Haircut Only = This is a cut that is changing the style and shape of your hair completely. No other services will be provided with this service unless scheduled prior to this appointment. $45.00

Men's Scissor Cut = A classic men's scissor cut haircut. Scissor cut the back and sides to a short length. You are wanting this look to have no scalp exposure. $30.00

Pixie Me Cut Only = A pixie cut is a short hairstyle generally short on the back and sides of the head and slightly longer on the top and very short or longer heavy bangs. No other service will be provided at this appointment unless already scheduled. $45.00

Trim Me Only = A hair TRIM is helping you maintain the style and shape of your cut as well as removing any damage. A trim is typically needed anywhere between 8-16 weeks. If coming in for a trim only, please have cleaned and blow dried stretched hair prior to coming to appointment. No other service will be provided at this appointment unless already scheduled. $15.00